texas solar contractors austin jarrell pflugerville salado hutto

If you’re reading this blog post, you’ve already started at least considering going solar in Texas. Maybe you’re looking to avoid rising energy costs, trying to cut your energy bill during the sweltering summer months, you want to lower your carbon footprint, or you’re looking to ensure that another SNOVID situation never leaves you without power.

No matter what your reason for considering solar, you’ve made a great call. Solar energy is clean, renewable, affordable, and reliable. Here are the top five reasons to take the plunge and get solar for your residential property in Texas today.

1. Gain Energy Independence

With a solar energy system for your home, you are producing your own power by taking advantage of the sun’s free and abundant energy! Due to the abundance of sunshine in Texas and the fact that solar energy systems are more efficient than ever, many solar owners often produce enough energy to fulfill 100% or more of your energy usage demands. This allows you to basically be your own power company and rely less on energy from your local utility.

Homeowners who choose to also add solar battery storage to their system reap even bigger rewards and enjoy even more energy independence. With solar storage, you’re able to power your home even in times when the grid goes down or is struggling to meet demand. That way, even in extreme cases (like last year’s Winter Storm Uri), you’ll have power for your home and family, regardless of what’s going on with the rest of the power grid.

2. Cut or Eliminate Your Power Bill

Increased energy independence from the grid with your solar energy system means guaranteed savings on your monthly energy bill. The best part? You start saving right away when your system is installed.

Practically all homeowners with solar find themselves saving thousands of dollars even within the first year. As the rates that your utility charges for electricity increase from year to year, so do your savings.

3. Long-Term Stability

Electricity usage rises dramatically during the hot Texas summer. That means that our electricity bill can get astronomically high.

By planning to install a solar energy system now, ahead of the summer heat, your system will take advantage of longer daylight hours to produce energy for your home and literally save you instantly from towering energy bills now and forever.

On top of that, you’re able to avoid the pressures of rising electricity costs. Some projections indicate that the cost of electricity could increase by as much as 30% in the next ten years, but with a solar energy system on your home, you’ll still be producing your own, clean energy day after day!

4. Increase Your Home’s Value

So you can save on your energy costs, be less reliant on the power grid, and avoid price hikes in the future, but what about how solar panels impact your home’s market value?

If you’ve been wondering what the long-term ramifications of adding solar looked like, you’re in luck – studies have shown that solar panels help boost your home’s property value by anywhere from 4-5% on average versus comparable homes without panels. We covered this in a recent blog post, but the reasoning is obvious – your home’s new owner will be reaping the benefits of your decision to go solar for anywhere from 25-30 years, so paying a bit more for the home is a smart investment for them.

5. Going Solar Costs Less Now Than Ever Before

Overall, as the technology in the solar industry increases, the prices decrease. Today’s solar panels are more efficient and less expensive to produce than the panels of years past. This means that while traditional electricity is getting more and more expensive, it has literally never been less costly to convert to solar power for your home.

On top of that, you can take advantage of many solar incentives and rebates. The most substantial incentive available for residential solar energy systems is the federal solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC), which allows you to deduct 26% of the cost of installing a solar energy system from your federal taxes.

In Texas, depending on the size of your system, this tax credit often ranges between $4000-$9000, representing significant savings on the net cost of your solar energy system. The tax credit drops to 22% in 2023 and is currently set to expire in 2024 – so you could be missing out on hundreds to thousands of dollars in potential savings by waiting for a little too long!

There’s Never Been a Better Time to Go Solar in Austin

The time for solar is now. See if a solar energy system is right for you and your home. For service in the greater Austin area (including Hutto, Round Rock, Pflugerville, Jarrell, Salado, Temple and beyond), contact the experts at ATX Solar for a complimentary quote today.