Our answers to your questions about going solar in Austin

How much does solar cost?

There is no out-of-pocket cost to get started. The total price depends on your utility company, local jurisdiction, and the size of system your home requires. We custom build all our proposals to meet your energy needs! Typically, the monthly bill for solar is either around what you’re already paying on average or less, thereby saving you money month one!

Does a lien get put on my home?

No, there is no lien on the home. The lender files a UCC-1 or fixture filing, meaning that the lien is only on the panels not on the house. So if you decide to stop paying for them, then they’ll just be removed from your roof. But if you pay your power bill every month, there’s no reason not to just pay a solar payment that’s lower and will never go up.

What about my roof? What if I need to replace it?

It depends on how soon you need the roof replaced.


1. If your roof is very old or damaged, we would recommend getting it replaced before you install panels. However, if this is the case, look into rolling the roof cost in with the solar panels, because you can actually get the 26% federal tax credit applied to the whole total and get part of your roof paid for this way.


2. If your roof doesn’t need to be replaced but you’re worried about what will happen when you need to get it replaced in the future, you have three options when you get solar installed:


0-5 year old roof: You won’t need to replace the entire roof if you install solar right away. The panels offer protection from the elements wherever they are placed and usually do not need to be removed for a roofing contractor to complete the job. Just make sure you let them know before they begin so they are aware.


5-15 year old roof with insurance claim: Your insurance will cover the removal and reinstallation of the panels, since they’re a part of the sturcture of the home. You can either have the roofing contractor complete the entire job or you can call us and we can remove the panels, store them, and reinstall them when the roof is complete.


5-15 year old roof no insurance claim: You will be responsible for paying for the removal and reinstallation of the panels. Many roofing companies are now certified to do this type of work, just make sure you let your contractor know that you have solar before they begin work.

What happens to the panels if/when I move?

If you’ve already decided you want to move in the next year to two, solar may not be a good fit for your current home, but reach out to us once you get settled and we can build a proposal for you to see what solar would look like on your new home!


If you’re planning on staying in your home for at least two years or more, you have two options when you go to sell your home once the panels are installed:


1. Transfer the system: you can transfer the entire system to the next homeowner and have them take over the monthly payment. All you need to do is make sure they qualify for the system, but if they qualify to purchase your home then they should have no problem qualifying for the transfer of the system. For them, taking over this payment will be preferable over paying whatever utility costs are 2+ years from now. They may even thank you for locking in a low rate with solar and lowering the house’s carbon footprint!


2. Sell it with the house: you may also choose to include the value of the system into the asking price of the house. Depending on the market and the area you live in, the exact value of the system can fluctuate, but according to a Berkeley Labs study done in 2015, the average premium that can be added for a solar system in the US is $3.78/watt.


Example: Joe Smith puts a 6kW system on his home in Austin, TX. At a rate of $3.78/watt, he would add $22,680 to the value of his home worth $300,000 because $3.78 X 6000watts = $22,680. That would make the asking price of the home $322,680 and Joe would then use those profits to pay off the system. The next homeowner would then enjoy the benefits of the lowered/eliminated utility cost normally assocaited with powering the home.


Berkeley Labs Study

My electric bill is pretty low, does solar still make sense?

Yes! All of our proposals are custom built to your electric needs, so we can be sure that we’re helping you lock in a monthly bill that isn’t much more than your average and hopefully saves you money in your first month! With us, there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all solar system. Typically, a lower electric bill is actually beneficial when looking into solar. Especially if you don’t have a lot of roof space available, because you’re more likely to be able to fit the number of panels needed to offset your usage from the grid.


Of course, your electric bill may seem low now but, just like everything else, it will go up! According to the Energy Information Administration (EIA), the average price of residential electricty in the US went from 13.49c/kWh in Sept 2020 to 14.19c/kWh in Sept 2021. That’s a 5.2% increase in one year!

What equipment do you use?

We pride ourselves in providing premium equipment at standard pricing. We offer industry leading black-on-black monocrystalline panels and microinverters. This means that are installations not only outperform our competition but they look better while doing it.

Are batteries required?

Our solar installations do not require batteries to operate. Through net metering your system will be tied into the grid allowing you to accumulate credits and offset your electric bill when there is less sunlight. We do offer battery backup as an ad-on for added energy security.

How long does it take to get installed?

The actual installation portion of the project typically only takes 1 to 2 days depending on the size of the system and complexity of the roof. There is more to a solar project than just the actual installation, including drafting a technical design, applying for permits, and HOA approval. We aim for a time frame of 60 to 90 days to complete your solar project from beginning to end, but as a construction project with many factors, there are instance where it is necessary to extend the timeline.

Products you can rely on

At ATX Solar, we understand the best installs require the best products for the job. We’ve taken the time and care necessary to vet the right panels, inverters, batteries, and other materials used to make your job a success. When you’re choosing solar panels in Austin for your home or business, accept nothing less than the best the industry has to offer. 

We let our work speak for itself

We understand the process of shopping for the right installer can be frustrating. The most important feature of any company is its reputation, and we like to let our customer’s feedback tell you everything you need to know. 

See how solar can work for you

Discover how clean energy can impact your daily life, from more affordable utilities to a decreased carbon footprint.