Are you considering solar panels for your Austin area home? If so, you’ll want to be sure to hire a qualified Austin solar panel installer. There are many solar panel installers to choose from, so it’s important to ask the right questions before making a decision. Our blog post this month will list questions that you should ask solar panel installers and solar contractors before hiring them.

Below is a list of the top 5 most important questions you should ask solar panel installers before hiring them. Solar panel installers should be able to answer these questions quickly and directly. If they can’t, you might want to consider another installer.

1. How Long Have You Been in Business Installing Solar Panels?

A solar panel system is relatively new to the solar industry, so you’ll want to make sure that the solar panel installers you’re considering have experience installing solar panels in your area. Solar installation companies in the greater Austin area should have at least five years of experience installing solar panels.

Solar Panel Installers with experience are more likely to be up-to-date on the latest solar panel technology and installation techniques. They’re also more likely to have established relationships with suppliers, which can save you money.

2. What Solar Incentives Are Available in My Area?

Solar incentives are programs offered by local governments and energy companies to encourage homeowners to switch to solar power. These incentives can significantly reduce the cost of your Austin solar panel installation. Solar companies should be familiar with the solar incentives available in your area and how they can save you money.

Incentives vary by location and energy company, so it’s important to ask about what’s available where you live. Solar panel installers should also be able to tell you how the solar incentive program works and what paperwork is required to apply for the incentives.

3. Will You Be The One Installing The Panels, or Will it Be a Subcontractor?

It’s important to know who will physically install the solar panels on your roof. Solar panel installers may use subcontractors to do the work or have their own in-house installation crew.

If solar panel installers use subcontractors, be sure to ask about their qualifications and experience. Solar panel installation is a complex process, and you want to be sure that the people installing your panels are qualified and experienced.

4. Do You Have Home Solar Installation References?

When you’re considering solar panel installers, be sure to ask for references. A reputable company should be able to provide you with a list of satisfied customers who have had solar panels installed on their homes.

Asking for references is a great way to get first-hand information about the quality of a solar panel installer’s work. So be sure to follow up with references and ask them about their experience with the solar panel installer.

5. Who Do We Call If There’s a Problem?

There should be a local person or team that you can contact if there are any problems with your system after it’s installed. The last thing you want is to wait weeks for someone to come out and fix a problem. Be sure to get the name and contact information of someone who will be able to help you if there are any issues.

Solar panel installers that you can contact who will come out to your home if there are any problems with the system. Ensure that you have this person’s contact information and that they are easy to reach. It would be best to ask about the warranty on the solar panels and inverters. Most solar panels have a 25-year warranty, but the inverter usually has a shorter warranty of around five to ten years.

Get a Trustworthy Austin Solar Contractor to Help You Go Solar

Solar panels produce clean and limitless energy, which may help you save money on your power bill. However, it’s critical to employ the most reliable and qualified solar panel installer for your situation before you install solar panels.

At ATX Solar, we are passionate about helping our neighbors and local clients save money and conserve energy. We offer a wide range of services, including Austin solar panel installation. We believe that going solar should be easy and affordable for everyone. Contact us today to see how we can help you go solar.